
Behavior is the way an individual acts or conducts oneself and responds to people, objects, events or the environment.  Behavior modification is replacing negative behaviors with desirable behaviors by using positive reinforcement.  The term ABA stands for Applied Behavior Analysis, which is a treatment theory based on the idea that targeted behaviors can be taught or modified based on a system of rewards and natural consequences.   ABA can be used to help children acquire language skills, social skills, self-help skills, academic skills and play skills.  A child that is experiencing any behavior difficulties will have difficulty learning and may fall behind academically and socially.  Prerequisite skills for learning include attention, in-seat behavior, eye contact and imitation skills (motor and verbal). A common misconception is that ABA can only be used for children with autism and that it consists of discreet trial learning. By using the principals of human behavior to analyze a child’s learning style and environment, we can create a unique and motivating learning program that maximizes your child’s ability to make progress.

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